1 Shag Her husband is on the form. According to a study at Queens University of Belfast, men who have sex three or more times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack in half.
2 The study also halve the raging man regularly the odds of suffering a stroke.
3 Understand that Rice Krispies Treat without a treadmill. A 30-minute role in the hay burns about 200 calories.
4 Do not go postal at work. Nooky helps the brain to produceNeurotransmitters, chemical messengers to help our moods sweet.
5 More z. A little 'sensual massage by some dancing in the leaves, followed by versions sleep-inducing endorphins.
6 Wake up and smell the roses. Post-romp, you will experience an increase in prolactin, the new nerve cells in the olfactory bulb of the brain developed, enhancing the sense of smell.
7 If you are not a kinky, political rebel, it's free!
8 Cold soccer to the curb, that sexonce or twice a week boosts the immune system by 30 percent.
9 Protect your pearly whites by stepping up the microphone. Semen contains zinc, calcium and other minerals proven to fight cavities. (Only trace amounts, but who counts?)
10 Watching a DVD marathon without constant bathroom breaks forgotten. Sex tones the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder and bowel, meaning better control pee.
11 No pain, everything to gain. Immediately after your big O, you will be virtuallySwimming in oxytocin (we're talking about a serious increase in intense). The overhead-endorphins to help alleviate the pain of arthritis ...
12 ... E - Hallelujah - menstrual pain.
13 Take it to your level. As a man's mind really works, is the time of oxytocin level can match our man after his happy ending.
14 Put more pep in your step, that women absorb some of the testosterone men differ in their seminal fluid. The payoff: "Testosterone mayImprove energy effects in women. "
He hit 15 in bikini. According to researchers, regular broom can your belly ...
16 ... It confirms my ass.
17 Aunt Flow, we meet again, that women who have sex at least once a week, more regular menstrual cycles than those who do, whether in a blue moon.
18 Curb irritability. "Tactile stimulation soothes nerves!
They show that 19 actually do, good girls, dass
Forget flowers and 20 flat-screen Sexis an easier (and cheaper) way to compensate for a fight.
21 Know your limits. "There's a fine line between pain and pleasure. Sex can help distinguish between the sensations"
22 Mix creative juices. "When people are together for long-term, sex can become boring," Coming up with new ways to improve things interesting imagination. "
23 Two words: "I'm preggers!"
24 Sex can trigger the onset of labor, if you're at the end of pregnancy. "Semen contains prostaglandins," Ifare against the cervix, prostaglandins help it expand and induce labor naturally. "
Get busy on the regular 25 can improve flexibility.
26 Use it or lose it. The more you have sex, the more likely they will continue to produce testosterone, a hormone important for sexual desire.
27 Love the skin you're in. For some people, gettin 'busy body can improve the image, says Resch.
28 Check your health closely. Sex is to explore yourBody - and your honey - so that you notice when things feel or look flaky and may need medical attention.
29 Seriously pissed? Instead of screaming my head, save your voice and have sex. It 'a great way to relieve tension.
30 Improve your communication skills. Speaking of what works (or not) in the bag can help to express itself in other parts of life.
31 I have overcome language barriers. He speaks Italian. They come from Texas. But in the boudoir, bothspeak the universal language of love (nothing gets lost in translation).
32 Give him a biscuit booty. "Kids see sex as a sign of approval from the partner," says Jake Davis.
33 Enter your share of dirt, cocktails Girls' Night chat. Even bad sex is fun, as well as bowl.
34 Expressing your emotions some of the most risqué and behaviors - aggression, dominance - in the comfort of your bed. (Can you say S & M?)
35 Yes, tonight, honey - I have a headache.Recent studies have shown that, while the horizontal stress can bring temporary relief from headaches.
36 Feel the power. "If all goes well and you're comfortable in bed your partner, you feel more confident and powerful in other parts of life."
37 Give your man a hand. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the more you ejaculate, the less likely to develop prostate cancer.
38 Turn on your palate. "Your sensitivityincreased after sexual intercourse. "The bottle of wine or chocolate taste even better."
39 Strengthen your soul - it's like Pilates, without disturbing the perfect teacher.
40 Sex relieves tension on the sex itself. (Circular logic, but it's true!)
41 Sorry for the world's best expensive, beautiful, intimate, lingerie silk.
42 How else can you get better?
43 "Increase the quantity and quality time cuddling. The best thing is nowafter orgasm.
44 "Good sex creates more love time.That 's why it's called" making love "."
45 Share a smile on your face ... O or not.
46 vitalize VAG. Increases blood flow to the pelvis to keep the oven in good order47. It 'the perfect excuse to crank some Prince ...
48 ... Then follow that with some Marvin Gaye.
49 Why is 03.00 clock at 30,000 feet, red eyes and your land shall not for another two hours.
50 You can do as a prima donnaand live sex scenes from movies beans. Start with 9 1 / 2 weeks.
51 The sex makes you happier than money does, according to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. A marriage that has been regularly included humping thought to bring the same happiness level of income an additional $ 100,000 a year.
52 Be one with nature. After all, birds. Bees do it. Fleas also polite to do so.
53 Because the clitoris is the only organ whose soleThe function is pleasure ...
54 ... Which is a pity that we will perish.
55 I will skip the Botox. In his book Secrets of the Super Young, Sandra neurophysiologist John, MD, Hospital of Jake Long. "An active sex life slows the aging process"
56 Come on, you really need a reason?